Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Need a Name Change

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Need a name change

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

If you feel you need a name change, the first thing to do is determine what numerology traits you want the new name to have. The Name Change Guide has a list to choose from. Each on the list has a number.

It is yours to decide.

A name represents certain numerology energy. The energy tends to attract certain character traits. It's a tendency, not a certainty. A succinct list of those energies are what you'll find at the above link.

The page at the link also talks about how to decide what traits a person wants.

When you've decided on the trait or traits you prefer for your name and have written down the number or numbers, then you can use the free online New Name Tool calculator.

Provide the calculator with your chosen traits and a list of acceptable names. It will respond with how well each of the names resonate with your chosen traits.

Before making the final decision about changing your name, read the Misconceptions About Name Changes article. Your question doesn't state the reason you need to change your name. Perhaps the reason isn't something a name change will actually help with.

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