Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Name for Success in Career, Health, Money, and Fame
Hello sir my name is [name omitted] my birthdate is [date omitted] I want to know that what should I correct in my name for good success in career health money and fame and which mobile number totaling should I use. Thank u hope u reply.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Let me address the mobile number first. The phone number compatibility tool may be able to help.
I think you understand that your name does not guarantee you success, health, money, and fame, but that the energy the name represents may assist by attracting certain things to you. It will still be up to you to do the things that need to be done to achieve what you want.
With that in mind, let me suggest you first define some things. They must be defined before any suggestion can be made for preferred name numbers.
What career do you want? It will need to be known before a number can be determined for it. (You can see what types of careers your current personal numerology chart resonates with at the career suggestions tool.)
Success also needs to be defined. Is success pursuing a career you like? Is success when your colleagues see you as a professional? Is success becoming adept at the pursuit of your career?
The word "health" I assume means good health. The energy of the number 6 resonates closer to the energy of the idea of healing than any other single-digit number a name can have. Healing, however, doesn't necessarily mean health because it implies something to be done to attain health. But that is the closest single-digit number to the idea of health. Really, for health issues it is best to consult a qualified doctor and obtain recommendations on how to maintain good health.
Your use of the word "money" I assume means sufficient money for your needs. The energy of the number 8 is most closely associated with ease of handling money, but does not necessarily attract it. There may be other numbers more appropriate, perhaps related to the career you will determine.
Fame needs a definition. Fame in the perception of who or what type of people? Fame in what field? When you define fame, then perhaps a number can be determined that most closely resonates with the idea you have. (The problem with fame is that those who are famous do not have fame inside them. Instead, the fame is provided by others. So it's very important to define what type of fame you want and who would provide the fame to you. Then, it will be easier to determine a number that is likely to nudge you into the direction it takes for you to become the type of person that other people will provide their fame attention to.)
The Energy Represented by Single-Digit Numbers page has a list of numbers and a short interpretation of the energy each number represents. After you determine what career you want and what success means, and defined the fame you envision, consult that page to see which number best fits each of the items you want to attract to your life.
After you have your list of numbers, you will need to determine the two most important. The reason is that when selecting a name, you can choose up to two numbers, no more. (A name has three major numbers, but only two can be specified. Any two. The third number is then determined by calculations on the other two.)
When you have determined the one or two most important numbers, then make a list of the names that are acceptable to you.
With the numbers and list of names at hand, go to the Best Name Finder.
Provide the finder with the one or two numbers you have determined are the most important. And provide the finder with the list of names you have determined. When you provide the finder with the list of names, also give it your current name (because your current name might turn out to be the best on the list).
Tap the button and the finder will let you know which name on your list is best for the number or numbers you provided.
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