Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Name for New Software Company

I want start a new software company. So can you suggest me a name with using numerology. Thanks.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

There are a number of things to take into consideration when using numerology for determining a name for a company.

The two major numerology numbers to consider are:

  1. The name number – the number obtained with calculations on the letters and numbers of the company name.

  2. The start date number – the number obtained with calculations on the date the company officially began its existence.

Two other numbers to consider are:

  1. The name consonants number – the number obtained with calculations on the consonants and any odd numbers of the company name.

  2. The name vowels number – the number obtained with calculations on the vowels and any even numbers of the company name.

The company's name can have a small or a large influence on its success. The company's prospects do also depend on its operations, which generally involves people doing things to forward the interests of the company.

Just getting a good company name and then not doing anything with it is unlikely to result in success.

The Company Names with Numerology article provides more information about naming a company with numerology. It talks about how to name the company by yourself and how to obtain professional help.

Click the above Company Names with Numerology link and read the article. You may learn things you didn't know before.

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