Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Name for Luck and Success

How do I spell my name for good luck and success all around.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Spell your name exactly the way you spell it now.

Names don't bring luck or success. Actions do.

No matter what the name, it still takes seeing opportunities and taking advantage of them to be lucky. It still takes certain actions to bring about certain success.

It's about action, not about how a name is spelled. A name doesn't do anything by itself. It just is, it just exists.

Yes, certain names can make certain things more likely and certain other things less likely. But it still takes the action to make something happen. The name doesn't do the action, you do the action.

What is lucky or success to one person can seem unlucky or unsuccessful to another.

Your luck and success will come after you determine exactly what those terms mean to you. Before that point, even if you had it or reached it, you wouldn't recognize it.

After you determine exactly what "luck" and "success" are for you, then you can do the actions to make them come about.

When you have decided exactly what you want, then see this name change article for information about how to determine a good name for the specific numerological influences you are looking for.

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