Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Name for Btech/Computers or Art/Cinema

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My dob is [date removed]. I'am currently pursuing btech in computers. But I feel lost about my career and feel inclined towards the field of art and cinema. My name is [name removed]. Please suggest changes in spelling if possible.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The first thing to do is decide what energy you want for the new name. Do you want to enhance the btech/computers inclination or the art/cinema inclination? Or do you prefer a different energy altogether?

Then, you may be able to determine a name by yourself with these instructions:

The About Numerology Number Meanings web page has a succinct list of the types of energies represented by each single-digit number. Use that list and any other reliable information you have about number meanings to determine the number with numerology energy that most represents what you want from your name.

Then, make a list of acceptable names.

Finally, use the Best Name Finder to help you determine the best name on your list according to the number with numerology energy that most represents what you want from your name.

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