Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Name and Birth Date Compatibility
How do I realize that which name is suitable for me as my birth date.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I assume you're asking about compatibility of your name with your birth date. In that case, the Name and Birth Date Compatibility article has at least some of the information you're looking for. It also contains links to additional information.
In essence, what you'll learn in the article is that it's more important to know who you want to be than it is to have name and birth date compatibility. You'll also learn that for some people, perhaps even most people, a name incompatible with the birth date is desirable. The article explains why.
If, instead of compatibility help, you're looking for help to determine a new name for yourself, see the index to name change articles for important information.
If it's a professional name you're wanting, there's an article in the index about How to Choose a Professional Name. Otherwise, begin with the first article, the one titled 7 Considerations About Name Changes. Then read the article that asks Why Do You Want To Change Your Name?
Other titles in the name change article index may also be relevant.
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