Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Name Spelling and First Name Readings

I wanted to check if the name spelling needs any change as per numerology. Also does the first name by itself (and its total) have any relevance in numerology or is it always the full name that is considered? Thanks.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

A name for a child that is correct according to numerology depends on the numerologist and, even more important, on what the parents want for the child. (No name gives everything; otherwise everyone would have that name.)

The correct name generally is the first one given to a child. It's correct because the child tends to orient itself and its life according to that name. No change is needed.

If, upon growing up and determining for themself that a different name is preferred, then that's an option.

Yes, the first name is used for several numerology chart positions:

  • The cornerstone is the first letter of the first name, "J" in this instance.

  • The open heart is the first vowel of the first name, "a" in this instance.

  • The capstone is the last letter of the first name, "h" in this instance.

As a point of interest, a name that begins with a vowel has identical letters for both the cornerstone and the open heart chart positions.

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