Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Name Requiring Change
Does my name require any changes?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Names represent energy in numerology. The energy attracts or discourages certain types of personal characteristics.
A name itself never requires change. It is just a name. However, a person may wish to change their name to make certain personal characteristics more likely.
To do that, a person needs to first of all decide what characteristics they want to enhance.
Because the energy of previous names are always with a person, the birth name being the strongest of all, their influences never leave. They may lose strength, but never entirely go away.
Understanding that, find the characteristics you wish to enhance at the Succinct List of Number Meanings web page.
If you decide the energy represented by your current name is acceptable, then you know your name doesn't require any changes. On the other hand, if your name does require changes, then do these two steps:
Make a list of personally acceptable names.
With your list of names at hand, use the Best Name Finder to see which of them is the best name for you.
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