Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Name Numerology Correct for My Good Luck

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Is my name numerology is correct? If not then what my correct name for my good luck?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The resonance of energy represented by a name attracts certain things and deflects others. The energy also provides a nudge toward that which resonates with it and away from things with a dissonance. The attraction and the nudge make certain things more likely to manifest and others less likely.

The energy the name represents depends on the spelling of the name.

When the energy attracts the things a person wants and deflects what a person does not want, then the name is considered to be a lucky name. Conversely, attracting what is unwanted and deflecting what is wanted is considered unlucky.

Therefore, the first step for determining a lucky name is to decide what type of energy you want your name to represent.

A Succinct List of Number Meanings can help you with that. Select the number that most represents what you want from your name. You may optionally select a second number.

Then, if you still want to change your name, the next step is to decide what you name will have.

Best Name Finder can help you with that. You'll need a list of names that would be acceptable to you. The calculator is designed to help select the best name to resonate with the energies you want your name to represent.

Understand that some people are lucky in spite of having unlucky names. And vice versa for other people, having a lucky name and yet luck eludes them.

As noted earlier, the energy a name represents brings tendencies. Those tendencies do not have the power to bring or prevent luck.

What makes a life lucky or unlucky is what the person does or does not do; the actions a person takes as they live life. Unexpected events happen in life, and a person might live in unfortunate circumstances, but luck in life still comes down to what a person does or does not do.

In other words, a name does not, by itself, make things happen or prevent things from happening.

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