Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Name Numbers for Health, Wealth, and Love
What name number has the best influence of good health and vitality and good with finances and relationships? Also I heard that anything that adds up to the number 23 is terrible if you get 5 from 23 2+3=5, in the name 23 is very bad luck, is that true? I find 5 to be too changeable and too emotional and with a power number of 11. I used to be a five when I was married. Maybe the power number could have cause that type of influence. I don't know. But anyway what number based on my question would have the best influence I mentioned earlier?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The numerology energy represented by the number 6 resonates more with health than does any other single-digit number. Similarly, the energy represented by the number 8 for finances. And the number 2 for relationships.
To fit those three numbers into the name core numbers, then the destiny number would need to be the number 8. The heart's desire number and the personality number would then have the number 6 and the number 2 — which position has which number doesn't matter when satisfying the core number requirements.
If you say you heard that it is terrible if you get 5 from 23 in the name and that it is very bad luck, then I have to believe it is true that you did indeed hear that. Note that good and bad are subjective. Pythagorean numerology doesn't recognize good or bad name numbers. They are just numbers that represent numerology energy. If you wish to know that energy as good or bad, that is something you put into it for yourself, not what numerology puts into it.
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