Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Name For Acting Career
I want to become an actress. Will I succeed in this and should I change my name for a good acting career? If yes, then what first initial of a name is lucky for me? Please tell me.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your numerology life path number 5 and heart's desire number 5 are conducive to a wonderful acting career. Your name number 8 tells me you're likely to manage the career well — whatever career you decide on.
Do read the article about choosing a professional name. There are more than only numerology considerations when deciding on a name.
Although the name you provided with your questions seems to be a great name, I don't live in India and am not immersed in the Bollywood culture. Therefore, I'm unprepared to say whether or not the name is appropriate.
Numerologically, the name is good. You'll need to determine for yourself of it's appropriate for the career you're contemplating.
Regarding success, whether or not you will succeed depends on your criteria for success. It really does come to that. If you think you've succeeded, then you have. If you think you haven't yet succeeded, then you haven't.
Write your criteria for success and refer to it often. Be specific. As an example, instead of "people love me," the phrase "when at least half the people who see my work love what I do" would be more specific.
Referred to often, the criteria will provide a goal to pursue and, when reached, you'll know you've been successful.
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