Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Name Compatible With DOB
My DOB is [date removed], Full Name is [name removed], is my name compatible with DOB? if not pls suggest Name correction.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
It really depends on what you mean by "compatible".
I'll assume you mean compatible with the energy represented by the major name number (the destiny number) with the date of birth energy (the life path number).
The name number attracts reasons for an outlook on life that resonates with the energy represented by the name.
The birth date number attracts events and circumstances that resonate with the energy represented by the birth date.
Thus, with compatible name and birth date numbers, a person tends to attract events and circumstances of a type that resonate with the type of person they are likely to think of themselves as being.
The Name/Date of Birth Compatibility Tool can help with that.
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