Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Name Change to Pursue an Acting Career

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I want to pursue an acting career. Is my name good for it? Hi! First, I wonder if you could hide the names in this question in case you respond to it on your website, I need to write them down so maybe you could help me with it. I have always been a extremely creative and expressive person and a career in acting was always what I wanted to pursue. Problem is my name is not very easily pronounced so I have been thinking of others since forever. My favorite ones are [name removed], which is a 5 name that is a nickname of mine since I was 3 years old and [name removed] which is a name some of my friends call me and is a 3, like my first name. I have been thinking of using the combination [name removed] (5+3+4=12=3). But numerology still gets me very confused and I don't know if it would be a good match. I also thought of using [name removed] as it's a 3 like my birth name but then it would change to 3+3+4=10-1 and I don't think it would be a good fit. But I'm not an expert.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

You're on the right track. The energy the number 3 represents is the most creative of all numerology numbers. The number 5 energy is outgoing and is comfortable with acting. If you must choose between one or the other, then 3 is likely to be a better fit.

Names have three major numbers. A 3 destiny number and a 5 personality number is a good combination for acting. That would make the heart's desire number be the number 7. The number 7 isn't necessarily an acting number, but it can be a good grounding for the other two.

See the Determine Actor's Name Using Numerology article for more information about actor names. The article contains a link to an online calculator that may help you with your decision.

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