Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Name Change to Get Rid of Bad Things

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My name is [name removed], born on [date removed]. My life is full of sorrow , debt, loneliness and everything bad any one can think of. Please suggest me a spelling change since name change is not possible in my country after 18th years of age. Thank you.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Unfortunately, a name change or name spelling change will not get rid of current life problems.

The energy represented by the birth name is with the person their entire life. A new name (or new spelling) can introduce new name energy. But it does not get rid of the birth name energy.

The Why Only Some Name Changes Are Successful page has information about what name changes can affect and what they have no effect on.

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