Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Name Change for Success

Change my name to get success
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Unfortunately, names don't get success. If it did work that way, we could all be successful.
What you do and don't do (your actions), and your personal definition of success, determine whether or not you become successful.
The energy represented by names can nudge a person to make certain decisions. Those decisions may be constructive for your success. Thus, a new name might help.
But first you need to decide exactly what it is that means success for you. Only then can you decide what type of energy a name needs to represent for nudging you to make the correct decisions and do the actions to achieve it.
When you have your definition of success exactly stated, go to the Best Name Finder tool. The page contains links to another page designed to help you decide what name number is best for you. When that is decided, give the Best Name Finder the number you selected and also a list of names that are acceptable to you. The tool can then do the calculations to determine which of those names is best.
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