Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Name Change for Satisfaction
My full name is [name removed]. I want to know whether this name gives satisfaction. Please give reply with specified name sir. Please.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Unfortunately, no name gives satisfaction. Otherwise, people could choose a name and be satisfied for the rest of their lives; and that isn't the case.
It isn't the name that gives satisfaction. Rather, it's the living of life and the way life is perceived that determines whether or not a person is satisfied.
Perhaps another way of looking at it is this: Names don't give satisfaction. But people can give satisfaction to their name.
While names bring with them certain tendencies and likelihood's, it isn't the name that determines what is experienced in life. Instead, it's the person's own actions that determine whether or not the life is satisfying. By doing the things that produce a satisfying life, the person satisfies the numerological vibrations of the name.
If you wish to pursue the idea of a name change, see the index to name change articles for information about some of the many things that need to be considered for a successful change.
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