Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Name Change for Luck and Fortune

I want to know if my first name can be changed to bring me luck and fortune.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

There are several things to consider:

  1. Numerology doesn't bring luck or fortune. However, it can make it more likely that you'll reach those goals with sufficient effort on your part.

  2. Whether or not "luck" and "fortune" are reached depends on your definition and what you do to achieve them.

  3. Changing ones name isn't an instant shift of the energies numerology calculations represent. It takes time. The faster you arrive at the point where you wholeheartedly and instinctively know yourself as the new name and the old name seems to somehow no longer fit, then the faster the new name's energies become more powerful.

  4. The energies associated with the name as first recorded at birth will always be with you to some degree, no matter how much you identify with a new name.

In numerology, "luck" simply means that events and circumstances are more attracted to you when they resonate with your major name numbers and life path (birth date) numbers.

Therefore, you'll need to first define what luck means to you. Then, if it's still personally important, determine a name with numerology name numbers that resonate with the luck you're looking for.

"Fortune" also has numerous definitions. If you're thinking fortune equals money and material abundance, then the number 8 is good to have as a name or birth date number. And your current name already has that, the personality number.

"Fortune" can also apply to relationships, home and family, health, and pretty much anything else that a person would consider to be fortunate. For relationships, the number 2 is best. For home and family, the number 6. And for health, also the number 6.

For name changes information such as how to determine a good name, how long it takes to take effect, and other information it's good to know, see the index to name change articles.

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