Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Name Change for Career
I have changed my name after marriage as [name removed]. My Husbands name is [birth name and date removed]. Please advice if I should change my name for a better career.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
What career do you want? That is the first question to answer.
Changing one's name for a better numerology profile isn't the easy panacea it is often purported to be. The influence of the name at birth is always present. The most a name change can do is dilute the birth name influence in favor of the new name. The new name's influence is then also diluted.
Although the new name may bring new interests and aptitudes with it, the skills to apply them must still be learned. A new name does not bring with it any experience at all, only a change in vibrations that makes certain things more likely and others less likely. A new name does not automatically bring success. Life must still be lived.
I generally suggest investigating the careers that resonate with person's character and/or life path – before changing one's name.
Your birth date number 1 tells me you life path will be much about leadership and/or investigation. Your name number 4 tells me you would be good with careers that demand lots of focus and paying attention to details. Your married name number 9 tells me careers requiring intelligence, drama, or works benefiting mankind would also work for you. Use the Career Suggestions Tool for more suggestions.
A name change to match a career may make sense when the career can not be changed. Being required to manage the family business, for example. If the work does not match the name at all, a name change may make it a little easier.
Your husband's birth date is the number 4. He understands the need to follow steps and pay attention to details in order to build a firm foundation for the future.
See Doing Your Own Name Change with Numerology (direct download link) for information about name changes and how to do them.
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