Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Name Change at Age 13
I want to know how effected I am if I was named [name removed] at birth then my father signed his rights over to my step father and biological mother to change my name to [name removed] at the age of 13. I am now 31 on [date removed].
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The numerology energy represented by the birth name is always present. It is the energy's foundation.
However, the numerology energy represented by a new name can be stronger, have more effect, than the birth name. It depends on how much the person thinks of themself as the new name.
With eighteen years since your name was changed, I assume you probably identify yourself more as your new name than your birth name. If the assumption is incorrect, if you've resisted the new name ever since it was first assigned, for example, then the numerology energy represented by the birth name is likely to still be the most effective.
Both the birth name energy and the new name energy are likely to have some effect. The energies can intermingle. The energy of the name you most know yourself to be, the name you think of as you, is likely to have the most effect.
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