Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Name Change According to Zodiac Sign

I want to change my name, because I am of African decent. I have gained more knowledge of self I realized that the names I current have isn't of my heritage/Queen name. I want to know what will fit me according to my zodiac sign.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Information about name changes for a better numerology chart can be obtained from the numerology name changes index. For name changes according to a zodiac sign, it may be prudent to consult an astrologist.

Name changes have a life-long effect on the numerology chart interpretations — even if the name was changed for astrological or other reasons.

Your life path (numerology birth date number) is the number 1. Among other things, the energy represented by the number 1 in the life path position attracts events and circumstances related to self-determinism, exploration, and independence.

Because the birth date can't be changed, it's good to keep the life path energy in mind when determining a new name.

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