Numerology Answers > Name Changes
My Name Per Numerology
What should my name be as per numerology. My full name is [name removed].
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
For almost every person that's alive on the earth, the name they were given is the name they should have per numerology.
Yes, most of us feel we are unique. And, it's true, we are. But so is every other person on the earth. Still, we sometimes wonder if we have the best name we could have or if a different name might make life better.
Numerology can calculate the various aspects of a name, the way the name is, the way it exits. But it can't calculate what a name should be unless it also takes into consideration what the person wants from the name.
So, answer that question first. What do you want from a name? The index to name change articles has links to information that can help with that.
Without having a preference at hand, it's impossible for numerology to determine what a name should be per numerology. Similarly, without a result to aim for, it's impossible to determine a better name than the one the person already has.
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