Numerology Answers > Name Changes

My Name Is Almost As If It Doesn't Belong to Me

Image for 'My Name Is Almost As If It Doesn't Belong to Me' numerology answer

Often I find myself saying my name to others and it's almost as if I'm mentioning a name that doesn't belong to me. My last name and first name is something I rather not use for books I write. I want to feel reborn again with a more positive feeling name that I can mention feeling like it belongs to me. How can I find the right suitable name for myself, that will also help me feel more confident and become more successful with a well put name?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

If you're going to change your name, make sure it's a name you like. Otherwise, it will never be suitable.

So that's the basic requirement, a name you like.

For step 1, make a list of names you like — really, really like. Be extravagant or pithy or something between — or all of those. No hold-backs here; anything goes for this list. The bigger the list (within reason, perhaps a hundred at tops) the more you'll have to work with in steps that follow.

Each name in the step 1 list needs to be the full name that you like — first, middle, last or whatever you want the complete name to be.

For step 2, decide which single-digit number or numbers best represent the person you are (or want to become). For this, use the list at the Succinct List of Number Meanings article. Select one or two numbers that best represent you.

Now, step 3. Go to the Best Name Finder tool and

  1. Type in the one or two numbers you decided on in step 2.
  2. Type or paste in the names you listed in step 1.
  3. Click the button.

The software will list the name or names on your list that contain the number or numbers you specified.

When more than one name with your number criteria is found, you'll have a choice for your new name.

Your mention of a name for books you write tells me that the Determine Pen Name Using Numerology article may have information you can use. The article is directed to pen names, which may or may not be the author's actual everyday name.

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