Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Messy Life But With Artistic Talents

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I am 54 years old and things aren't going well. My job is a mess, I am not married, I am short on money. The only thing that is working for me is that I can paint great pictures. I think I am a pretty good artist. But if I change my name to fix up the messy parts of my life, would it ruin my artistic talents?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Unfortunately, a name change does not fix up messy parts of a life. In fact, a name change may bring additional issues on top of what is already experienced. A new name brings in additional energy. But the energy of the old name does not leave right away, if ever.

Birth name energy never goes away. It may become less forceful and have less effect as the new name's energy becomes stronger. But the birth name energy's effects never entirely go away.

If the artistic talents are because of your birth date energy, a name change will have little or no effect on that. Use the Life Path Number Calculator to see if your birth date energy is a source of creativity.

If the artistic talents are because of energy in your birth name, or if the new name energy's resonance also contains creativity, your artistic talents are unlikely to be ruined.

However, if your current name is not your birth name and your birth date energy does not resonate with creativity or artistic talent, then you may gradually have less interest in artistic endeavors — unless the new name's energy resonates with creativity.

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