Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Maybe Name Is Not Lucky
I wanted to have a successful career as a singer and actor but luck is not favoring me even though my music is very good. Everyone says it, but it's not getting successful and I am unable to make career in it. Working as engineer now but that's not what I want from my life. It's killing me from inside. I am thinking to change my name. Maybe it's not lucky!! Need your suggestion badly.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your current name has the number 3 in your numerology profile for both your heart's desire and your personality positions. The number 3 is the best number for creative expression.
Your life path number is the number 7. This, among other things, tends to urge you to find answers within and tends to urge you to seek perfection. Looking within is probably the best place to find answers that aren't readily available otherwise. But perfection may be impossible except when a person sees something as perfect.
Perhaps a professional name would help, the name people use when they refer to you as the singer and actor. A number 8 for one of the major name numbers would tend to help with business matters. And the number 3 for creativity.
See the How to Choose a Professional Name article for information about choosing a name. The article contains information about other considerations in addition to the numerological one.
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