Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Lucky Name For My Daughter
I want 2 name my daughter aradhya.wil it b lucky 4 her? wil u suggest any change in spelling.? r wil u suggest any other name that is lucky 4 hr in ever y way.? plz help!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The first question to ask is, "What is your daughter's purpose in life?"
Only by knowing your daughter's life purpose would anyone be able to construct a name lucky for that purpose.
Constructing a name contrary to the person's life purpose can result in an unhappy life, a life feeling like something is missing.
A life purpose can not be changed by a name, the purpose is something one is born with before any name is given. But the purpose can be harder to accomplish by having the wrong name and accomplished easier and with less frustration by having the right name.
The right name is the one that keeps coming to mind while you follow your feelings with integrity. It is the name of your daughter.
You are a mother who wants the best for her daughter, including the best name. It is understandable and expected and I honor you for that.
Give your daughter the name you feel is right for her. Later in life, when your daughter realizes what her life purpose is, she can then change her name if she thinks if would help. But in the meantime, the name you feel is right for your daughter is the right name for her at this time of her life.
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