Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Legally Changing My Last Name

Should I legally change my last name? My grandfather's last name was [name removed]. He married my grandmother and had several children. My grandfather passed away when my father was young, he then was taken care of by a neighborhood family who took him in as his own. When my dad arrived to the United States, he kept that neighbor's last name. Married my mother and had 2 children, myself and brother. All of my uncles, aunts and cousins, kept my grandfather's last name. I've never liked my last name, it doesn't feel right and I always told my dad he should of kept my grandfather's last name and not some other family who's not even connected to us in any way. I have a strong sense to change my last name to [grandfather's last name]. I feel like the neighborhood name has a lot of bad karma. They have a history of incest and rape. Any insight would be helpful.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
While I'm unprepared to suggest what you should or should not do, I can provide a bit of information.
The family name does tend to influence a person's life to a greater or lesser degree.
The energy represented by the name as first recorded at birth (including the last name) is present with a person their entire life. When a name changes, the new name also has influence. The more the person thinks of themself as the new name, the more influence the new name energies have.
If you change your last name, there is one additional thing that would happen. Any children you have after your name change would (I'm assuming) have your new last name.
An ancestral energy generally is present with a person. The Ancestral Traits Found in Family Name article contains information you may be interested in. It may have an influence on your decision whether or not to change your last name.
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