Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Is Name Change Advisable?

I am facing problem in my career. My wife separated from me 4 years back and took family life. In Jan 2015 I resigned from my job due to circumstances. I have consulted a numerologist and he advised me to change my name spelling to Ajaay Barrve such that total comes to 23. He told me to write the names 25 times daily for 2 months and concentrate on the new name while I write it (no other change done, name not changed officially). After 2 months I still do not find any change in my luck, I am trying to find a suitable job but have not found one and my wife & kid continue to live away from me. Do you think this name change is advisable or not? As a hobby I have done reading of Cheiro's book of numerology and have minor understanding of numbers. Many thanks.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

My numerology system is Pythagorean. Your numerologist may be using Chaldean. I make this statement to alert that my interpretations may be different than your numerologist's interpretations.

Name changes don't eliminate problems. But name changes generally do bring in additional energies, which may be helpful for a person. The more the person identifies themself as the name, the more the energies of the name are available and tend to have an effect on the person. The process of fully identifying as the name may take months or even years.

Even then, the name won't do anything by itself.

The energies it represents are available to the person. But any changes in life are from the actions of the person, the things the person does, not from the existence of the name.

Rarely do I recommend a name change other than determining a professional name (stage name, author pen name, and so forth).

A new name needs to be carefully thought through so that it brings in the energies the person is looking for and doesn't block energies the person wants to keep. Which means knowing why, in specific detail, a new name is desired.

The new name your numerologist recommended is why I think we may be working with different numerology systems. With the Pythagorean system, the recommended name would add independence to a name that already has a preponderance of that energy and also would replace creativity with pragmatism, leaving the name with a dearth of creative energy.

There are a number of pertinent articles linked from the name change articles index page. They're likely to help you decide whether or not to change your name.

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