Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Inclined to Change My Name

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I am inclined to change my name, as it does not resonate with who I feel I am as well as does not feel well received by employers and clients who cannot pronounce it. It seems my name is also not harmonious with my birthdate. I am looking for a surname that will resonate with my creativity, exploratory spirit and a desire to help the earth but I also desire stability and achievements in my career. I need advice on how to calculate a perfect name. Kat is my current nickname I use a lot. I don't use my last name except for resume but I do not like it. I like animal names like Albatross, Bird, Cat, Fox.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The How to Choose a Professional Name article has important information about changing your name for professional reasons.

Unfortunately, I don't do private consultations for name changes. The primary reason is because more than just numbers are involved. There are intentions, goals, likes and dislikes, and personal reasons, all of which may have an impact on the selection of a name.

If you wish one-on-one assistance, it may be prudent to consult a professional numerologist who specializes in name changes, someone you can consult with in person.

Be that as it may, the following may be of assistance.

Creativity is a resonance represented by the number 3. An exploratory spirt resonance is part of number 3 energy and also number 5 energy, and is very present with number 1 energy. A desire to help earth is very present in the energy represented by the number 9.

Generally, the entire name is considered when doing numerology calculations. If the surname must resonate with the traits you listed, then determine the surname first. When the surname has been determined, then determine the first name or names so the full name will end up with the numbers you prefer.

Depending on your profession, the name might need to be memorable in addition to easily pronounceable.

A perfect name would be subjective. If you are comfortable with the name, find it attractive, and it suits your profession, then it might be considered perfect.

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