Numerology Answers > Name Changes
I Want to Change My Name
I want to change my name. Please suggest me about my name.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The energy a new name represents can have an influence on who you are and how you approach life. Therefore, the first thing to do is determine what energies your name should represent.
A new name won't take away life problems or even make them less.
But a new name can bring new problems.
You see, the energy represented by your birth name never leaves. With a new name, additional energy is added to the energy already present.
To change your name, first determine what characteristic or characteristics are most important to you. Use About Numerology Number Meanings and also The Energy Represented by Single-Digit Numbers to help you decide which number (maximum two numbers) most represents the energy you want to represent your new name.
Then make a list of names that are acceptable to you. Include your current name on the list unless it really is unacceptable.
Now, use the Best Name Finder to help you select the best name on your list according to the number (or numbers) you decided was most important to you.
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