Numerology Answers > Name Changes

I Want To Change My Name Again

Dear, My father kept my name Chanakya during my birth. After my father changes my name to Vijay Kumar which later on changes to Vijay Chanakya since my success in old name was not good. Now I want to change my name to another one and I wish to keep this new name for my lifetime. So, I suggest you to give me a new name which will give me success and fame for my new life. So, I request to guide me in this so that I can have a new success life for my new future. Thanking you. Yours faithfully, Chanakya

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Unfortunately, Chanakya, names don't make life a success. It would be so very easy if it were that way, but it's not.

Often changing one's name may lead to less success and more confusion.

It's actions. That's the real secret. Actions make life a success. Doing the actions required to succeed in life.

Of course, first you need to define exactly what you mean by success. Exactly. Not just vaguely. Otherwise, you won't be able to determine what actions to take to get there.

Once you decide exactly what you want to achieve, determine the actions required to get there, then do them. Do the actions for success.

If you still want to change your name, see the index to name change articles for information to take into consideration before deciding which name to change to.

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