Numerology Answers > Name Changes
I Feel Like My Name Doesn't Suit Me
I don't feel like my name suits me and I even struggle to pronounce it. I feel my name isn't in line with who I am at my core. I'm not sure what my name should be though.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
It can happen that a person's name is contrary to their essence, to who they are or wish to be.
If you wish to change your name, the first thing to do is to determine who you are or who you want to be — the essence of who and what you are. The Characteristics to Consider for Name Change article can be used for a guide.
When that first step is done, you'll know what two of the three major name numbers need to be for a new name.
Only two can be specified. The remaining number of the three major name numbers is determined by what the other two are.
Knowing what the major name numbers are, you can use the online Calculating Major Name Numbers tool to test various names you have in mind. Test only names you are comfortable with. Continue testing names until you find the correct major name numbers for a name that's acceptable to you.
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