Numerology Answers > Name Changes
I Don't Like My Common Name
Hello! Two things - I don't like my common name and want to change it, and I'm about to embark on a big project so I'd like to choose a new common name to support my endeavor. I want a name that will support my self-confidence, judgement, and my ability to stay on my chosen work path no matter how long it takes and to see it through to a successful finish. Also I'd like to use it as a pen name. I'm not sure which is the best number for this. I think it's number 1, is that right? I've been using all the tools you've provided on your site to confirm various aspects of the name I like but I want to be sure I'm focusing on the best number for me. Thank you so much. Your site really is the best.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Thank you for your kind words!
The energy represented by the number 1 is a self-determined energy. It tends to work best alone or at least in an environment where it can make independent decisions without needing to defend or justify them to someone else.
The energy represented by the number 4 seems to be more aligned with what you describe as characteristics. The energy generally has good judgement, is focused on building something for the future, is pragmatic, and tends to persist with a goal, methodically pursuing it until it is accomplished.
The heart's desire number of your current name is the number 5, which is likely to bring a desire to try new things and experiences, to wander along side paths because they look interesting.
The number 4 energy is the antithesis of the number 5 energy. It may help you keep extraneous excursions to a minimum.
Birth name energy remains with a person even with name changes. It tends to gradually become less powerful as the person more and more identifies their new name as who they are. However strong it is or is not, its resonance does remain.
A pen name identical to the author's everyday name can be useful for potential buyers to identify who wrote the book. Another thing to consider is a pen name that resonates with the subject of the book (or a dissonant name if the book is about differences).
Your life path number is the number 7. The energy it represents resonates with mystery and problem solving and arriving at correct conclusions.
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