Numerology Answers > Name Changes

How Many Times to Write the New Name

If I want to change my name, how many times I should write my new name? Or please let me know how to proceed.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The index to name change articles contains links to information you'll want to be aware of before going ahead with it.

If you decide to change your name, then write your new name whenever you would have written your previous name. Whenever you write your name, write your new name. Whenever you say your name say your new name. Insist on being addressed as your new name.

The more you identify yourself with and as your new name, the stronger is the energy represented by the new name.

Some people recommend writing the new name many times. Perhaps the reason is that writing the name helps the person identify themselves with and as the new name. And it may help some people. The number of times to write the name would depend on how much it helps the person. Writing it as a rote procedure would require more repetition than writing it with emotion and full attention.

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