Numerology Answers > Name Changes
How Many Times To Write My Name
Previously, someone corrected my name as per numerology as [name removed] instead of [name removed] but I don't know how many times I should rewrite my name. Please suggest me.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The more you identify with your name, the more influence the name energy has. By "identify," I mean naturally and easily thinking of yourself as that name.
When you think of yourself with a name, what name do you think of first? That's the name you most identify yourself with.
I don't know how many times you should write your name. Perhaps the person who corrected your name can help with that.
However, I do know that the more often you write your name in email and letters and on official papers, the more you identify with the name. And the more you naturally speak your name during communication with others.
In other words, the more you use the name, the more you identify with it.
Additional information is linked at the index to name change articles, especially the "After The Name Change, What Do I Do Now?" article.
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