Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Good Name for Life Path 1 and Day Number 4

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Hi, if my life path number is 1 and day number is 4. What would be a good name number? My current name number is 8 and I feel it hasn't proven lucky. Thank you.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The most important thing to consider when choosing a new name is what you want from the name. The name numbers represent certain energies, which have certain tendencies and resonate with certain likelihoods.

It matters little what the life path and birth day numbers are until after you have decided what energies you want from your name. Afterward, it is prudent to see which life path and birth day number energy traits need to be considered when composing your new name.

Although there are other important name numbers, the destiny number is the most important. To determine which numbers best represent the energy you're looking for in a name, read the interpretations at the destiny number article.

When you have decided which name number best represents the energies you want your name to represent, you can use the Best Name Finder. To use that tool, you'll need to tell it what your name number is and then give it a list of acceptable names. It can then report which of the names represent what you're looking for.

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