Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Getting a Name Change
Hello Sir, I'm considering getting a name change because I've never liked it. My life path is 16/7, and I'm not sure whether to change my name/expression number to a 1 or 11. What number would be more compatible with the number 7? Thank You. Any reply would be much appreciated.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
As a point of information, the numerology destiny number is how we refer to the name/
Not liking your current name is a good reason to change it.
Note that changing a name does not negate the energies associated with the birth name. They may become less forceful as the new name's energies begin to dominate. But they never go away.
Your current name's personality number is already the number 1. While it's certainly okay to enhance the energies represented by the number 1, it may be prudent to consider if other numbers are preferable.
The number 11 is also a master number. It reduces to the number 2. The numbers 2, 6, and 8 are the only single-digit numbers incompatible with the number 7. (See the table at Compatible and Incompatible Numbers.) Therefore, if you need to keep the destiny number compatible with your life path number, the 11 wouldn't fit in that chart position.
One of your challenge numbers is the number 6. Therefore, to mitigate some of the challenge energy effects, it may be a good move to have a number 6 as the personality number.
Your next pinnacle cycle number, beginning in a year and four months, is the number 3. For the nine-year period of that cycle, the energy represented by the number 3 won't be needful in the name. But after that cycle, it may be. It is a number compatible with the number 7.
There are many things to consider. The change will have an effect on the rest of your life.
See the links at the index to name change articles for further information.
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