Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Fortune Change After Marriage

I had always been very independent and charming; had a good career growth before my wedding, but after wedding faced lot of problems. But now it has hit a big low of being jobless after having such a rocking career. Wish to understand, is it coz of name change or something else? After my wedding name changed to [name removed]

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It's unlikely to be because of the name change.

Your birth name and your married name both have the master number 11 as one of the three name numbers. The 11 used to be your heart's desire number and is now your destiny number. There's a shift in interpretation, from desire energy to character energy. But it's the same energy nevertheless; only the interpretation has shifted.

With the married name change, the number 5 was added as your heart's desire number and the number 9 removed as your destiny number. This will tend to introduce a desire to express your sense of personal freedom (the 5) and reduce some of the force of the humanitarian characteristic you experience (the 9).

The personality number changed from the number 7 to the number 6. The number 7 is also your life path number, so there's no loss there. The energy the number 6 represents indicates a gain, among other 6 energy aspects, of family, harmony, and nurturing.

The birth name energy is never lost. Its force may be reduced and somewhat blended with the energies of the new name, but the birth name energy never entirely disappears. The addition of the married name energy provides additional energy; it doesn't take away.

Things other than your name also changed. You're likely to have assimilated some of your marriage partner's energies. Goals are likely to have shifted, and considerations about what is more important and less important. But probably the biggest reason of all for the change in fortune is that the things you do and don't do now are different than what they used to be.

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