Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Fashion Designer for Fame and Fortune

I am an aspiring fashion designer who wants fame and fortune. I have had a couple of years of set-back during my education because of health issues and indolence. I have thought of changing my name to Miah(first name). Need your guidance.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Your current name has no number 3, not within the name and not as any of the name's calculated totals. The number 3 is the most creative number.

The first name Miah brings the number 3 as the heart's desire number. But it loses the number 8 from that position. The number 8 is the best money and material acquisition number.

The energy represented by number 8 would remain with you, at least partially. One never completely loses the resonance of the birth name. See the name change for better numerology profile article for more information about that.

There are many things to take into consideration. How to Choose a Professional Name has pertinent information. Other articles linked from the name change index page may also help.

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