Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Effectiveness of New Name
My complete dob number is 2 and my name number is 5. I can't change my name in id card and education doc. So if i choose name for myself and use this, will my new name be effective? What should I do?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
A new name is as effective as you identify with it. In other words, the more you think of yourself as the new name and see yourself as the person with that name, then the more the name is effective.
Whichever name you think of yourself the most, that name is the most effective.
Note that the energies of the birth name never leave. But the energies of the new name are superimposed and, depending on how much you identify with the new name, can be much the strongest.
See the articles linked to at the name change index page.
Regarding your birth date number (your life path number), instead of the number 2, it's the master number 11. Its resonance is similar to the number 2, but more of it. See Master Numbers and Potential for information that's likely to benefit you.
The name you provided calculates to the number 4. Perhaps it was typed incorrectly. Or perhaps you're using Chaldean numerology. This website uses Pythagorean numerology.
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