Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Developing a Balanced Name

I only used [name removed] for maybe the first 3 years of my life. I have no memory of using it ever. Please use [name removed] when analyzing my name. There are positive and conflicting aspects to my name, and I am very interested in developing a balanced name. Are you able to provide some changes/suggestions? Thank you so much!

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I'm not clear what you envision when you say "balanced."

If you're wanting to have every single-digit number represented in your name so it's balanced in that way, you might add a middle name composed of letters that represent the missing numbers. The numbers are 3, 4, 6, and 8.

The Getting Your Numbers article describes a way to quickly obtain your name and other major numbers.

If you're looking to balance your name only by adding the numbers not otherwise represented by the most influential positions of your numerology chart, then only letters representing 3 and 8 would be needed.

On the other hand, if you're looking only for positive numbers, you'll first need to determine what's positive for you. Numbers themselves are neither positive nor negative. Same with the energies the numbers represent. The positive or negative aspect of certain numbers depends on what you associate with the numbers.

If you're looking for numbers that have no conflict with any other numbers in your chart, then those numbers will also need to be determined by you. Again, what your associations are.

The energies of some numbers resonate with the energies of some other numbers. And for some numbers there's a dissonance.

No wholesome name and numerology chart is composed only of compatible numbers. Which is a good thing. It is the incompatibility that gives a person depth and provides learning opportunities.

Perhaps it would be wise to decide what energies you do want in your life and then, if your current name doesn't provide them, decide on a name you like that does provide the energies you want. Instead of only focusing on the numbers, focus on the result first.

The articles listed on the name change index page can provide guidance.

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