Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Destiny Number and Psychic Number Combination
Hi, As far as I can see, I have a destiny number 8 and a psychic number 2. Is this a bad or good combination? Because I seem to struggle a lot both with my work and my mental state. I would really appreciate if you had any suggestions for changing my name to make the combination more bearable. Are there certain name numbers that would be better than others or certain letters etc.? Thank you so much in advance! Best regards.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Some terms need to be clarified to avoid confusion. Different numerologists have different terms for certain numerology chart positions.
What some numerologists refer to as the psychic number, the day of birth, we (at our Affinity Numerology sites) refer to as the number of the second life period cycle (which, in your case, began at age 29 and will continue until age 55).
When you mention the destiny number, I think you're referring to the birth date number. (At our numerology sites, the destiny number is the name number.)
A 2 day of birth and an 8 birth date number is a good combination. The number 2 and the number 8 are compatible numbers. It's unlikely that the energies of those two numbers at their two numerology chart positions have much conflict, if any conflict at all.
The issue may stem from the fact that three of your four challenge numbers are the number 2. The day of birth number 2 and the challenge number 2 can seem like they're rejecting each other. Which is especially poignant for the teamwork and cooperation energies of the number 2.
There may be certain letters or numbers that are better than others. It depends on what you want them to be better for. What they're better for are those things that resonate with them. If you're looking for creativity, as an example, the number 3 is better than the number 4. Also the letters "C" and "U," especially as first letter or first vowel.
Be that as it may, I never recommend changing a name to get rid of problems. Because it won't. It may, however, add to the current problems any new ones that the new name brings.
I think the "destiny number/psychic number" combination you describe isn't the reason for your troubles. Unless there are other things that affect those two that I'm unaware of.
The challenge numbers being the same as your day of birth may introduce some conflict. The numbers are calculated from the birth date and won't change. The understanding gained from reading about the challenges and the number 2 (links further above) may help you deal with the challenges they're inclined to bring.
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