Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Deciding Which of Three Names to Use
So when I was born, my parents differed in opinion on what my name should be. The ended up settling on [name removed], which is what my father wanted. For a week or two after I was born, my mom kept accidentally calling me [name removed]. My dad didn't like that name but he saw how much my mom liked it and wanted it as my name, so he told her we could call me [name removed]. My parents didn't feel the need to change it on my birth certificate at all, or they just forgot, I'm not sure, but it wasn't until I was 10 years old that I found out my legal name on my birth certificate my whole first 10 years had been [name removed]. We were going on a trip to Mexico and being a child I had to use my birth certificate to leave the country. I'm not sure how long my mom knew before the trip took place, but I know that the first 10 years she didn't know either. I found out only in the airport as I was instructed to go by [name removed] by my mom and step dad as it was legally put on the certificate so we wouldn't have any problems. What name should I go by? And in the calculator on your page for [name removed] you list my Soul Urge number as a 2. Wouldn't it be Master Number 11? Thank you for your time Sincerely, Confused
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Yes, for the name you asked about, the soul urge does indeed calculate to the master number 11.
As to what your name should be, there are no numerology-determined better or worse names. I would say go by the one you feel best about or most comfortable with.
The numbers calculated from names represent energies. The major name numbers are an example. Name energies have an influence in the form of subtle inclinations, but they don't irrevocably make you who you are. Who you are is determined in large part by your free will decisions and assumptions.
The numerology energy represented by the name first officially recorded at birth will always be with you, no matter what name you think of yourself as.
The energies of other names that a person uses intermingle with the energies of the first recorded name.
When a name is used and accepted as if that is who the person is, such as the name you knew yourself as during your first ten years, then the energies of the name being used gain strength in proportion to the energies of the first recorded name. But the energies of the first recorded name never completely go away.
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