Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Daughter's Name Resonating with Birth Date
Hi..this is my daughters details...someone has told me that her name is not right according to her DOB...pls help and suggest do she need correction in her name?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Your daughter's numerology name numbers resonate well with her birth date number.
According to the number 8 associated with your daughter's cornerstone letter and the number 1 associated with your her open heart letter, she is likely to prefer being in charge of projects or, if that isn't feasible, to do the projects herself.
According to her pinnacle cycles and life period cycles, during her first 27 years, your daughter will tend to be introspective and have considerable attention to planning for the future. There's also a desire for strong, trusting relationships. After 27 years, she's likely to realize that she has the relationships she's been desiring and also to become more responsible for the wellbeing of the family.
I think your daughter's name is perfect. But I'm not familiar with your society nor with the social expectations of the area where you live.
Perhaps it would be prudent to leave your daughter's name as it is and later, when she's mature enough to make the decision, she can decide whether or not to change it for herself.
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