Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Correct Name Per Numerology

Image for 'Correct Name Per Numerology' numerology answer

How is my name as per numerology? How do I correct my name? Which name for calling is best suited as per my son [name removed] or [name removed]. Please suggest.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The best name for a person is a name that resonates with their purpose in life and with the actions required for the person to reach their goals.

The name you provided with your question has a destiny number that is creative, the number 3. It has a heart's desire number that is freedom loving, the number 5. And it has a personality number that is introspective, the number 7.

When you use the links to find out more about the numerology chart positions and the meanings of the energies represented by the numbers, you'll be in better position to determine whether or not the name is supportive of who you want to be and what you want to accomplish.

Regarding names for your sons, the first thing to do is determine their purpose in life — assuming they are old enough to know what they want. If they are young, then it may be wise to wait until they are older to change their name; perhaps the names they already have are perfect.

If you need to determine a good name for someone, the name change tool is designed to help with that.

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