Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Choosing a Screen Name
Which screen name should I go with according to numerology? iChrisSalas ItsChrisSalas I really need your help. Thank You.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
To determine a numerology name for the screen will depend on what the screen name is for and how you want to present yourself.
If it's for acting in movies, you'll probably want a name with a number 3 as one of the major name numbers.
If it's for a screen name at a forum or social media site, it will depend on the site and how you wish to present yourself.
iChrisSalas indicates a desire for relationships and presents the self as material oriented. The name itself resonates with independence and self-sufficiency.
ItsChrisSalsa indicates a desire for relationships and presents the self as one who is comfortable with relationships. The name resonates with building a secure foundation for the future.
See How to Choose a Professional Name for more information about choosing a names for specific activities.
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