Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Changed My Name for Fame and Wealth

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Sir. Real name is [name removed] but for fame and wealth I changed [name removed] (5) to [name removed] (41=5). My question is first name [name removed] no. is 24. Is it good for 8 born or not? If not, can I change it to [name removed] (15=6)? Then [name removed] (32). Please tell. Am very confused.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The name number of the birth name you provided with your question is the number 7. Perhaps you are using a different numerology method to obtain the numbers you quoted.

I'll respond to your question. But I can't provide the exact answers you asked for. It may be prudent to consult with a numerologist who uses the numerology system you also are using.

The name number is the destiny number in traditional Pythagorean numerology. It reveals for interpretation the most likely personal characteristics as a person gains life experience and maturity. The number 7 in the numerology chart destiny position represents the energy of (among other things) introspection, intelligence, and an aptitude for solving problems.

The birth date number is the life path number (number 5 for you) and reveals for interpretation repetitive or persistent types of events and circumstances the person is likely to experience. The month, day, and year of birth are used to calculate the three life period cycles, which provide the energy for additional or altered types of events and circumstances.

There is nothing in Pythagorean numerology that guarantees fame and wealth. Fame is given by others. Wealth is obtained by what you do and don't do.

The energies represented by the name at birth is with a person their entire life. When a name is changed, some existing name energies can be enhanced and others lessened. And new energies can be introduced by the new name. But never do the birth name energies completely disappear.

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