Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Change the Spelling of My Full Name
I have put an extra name for myself which is [name removed], and I want to change the spelling of my name [name removed]. If I can be more successful so please change the spelling of my full name. Regards.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
There are many different aspects of life that a person might be successful at — marriage, career, family, etc.
There are also many different definitions of success — getting married, owning fifty houses, running a mile in less than ten minutes, etc.
Before changing your name, determine what area of your life you wish to improve. And determine exactly how you define success.
Then, write down a list of names that are acceptable to you.
When you have the list of names, go to the best name finder and let that numerology tool determine which of the names on your list is the best. The tool will need to know which numerology numbers you prefer, relating to what your definition of success is. There is a link at the tool for assistance in making that determination.
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