Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Change My Name To Get Success

My name recorded at birth was [name omitted]. My current name is [name omitted], but I don't think it has ever bought good fortune to me. Kindly suggest a spelling change to my current name, so that I get success.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Frankly, success depends on what you do, not by what name you have.

Success, by definition, is accomplishment of what was intended. Accomplishing something requires action. A name doesn't do anything; it just is. Therefore, a name can not accomplish anything other than it's existence.

Of course, a name aligned with your purpose can help. But a name by itself does not bring success.

Before you can succeed, you need to know what it is you wish to accomplish. Therefore, the first thing to do is to decide what that is. What exactly do you wish to accomplish?

When you know what you wish to accomplish, only then can you decide whether or not your current name is a good influence.

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