Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Best Number for My New Name

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What is the best number to choose for my new name? 19 or, 23, 27, or something else? Thanks.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It depends on what you want to achieve with the new name.

The energy that the number 19 represents resonates with self-reliance and doing things alone (among other things).

The energy that the number 23 represents resonates with a tendency to express a personal sense of freedom, again among other things.

The resonances of the energy that the number 27 represents include humanitarianism, tolerance, and a broad vision.

If none of those are what you have in mind, here are notes that may be of interest:

If the name is entirely a personal name (not a name in consideration of a specific profession), then consult the Find Your Best Name According to Numerology article. It talks about how to determine the best number for a name. The article includes a link to a tool to help you select the best name according to the number or numbers you determine are best for what you want to achieve.

If the name is being changed for professional reasons, then the profession would need to be considered. See Choosing a Professional Name for pertinent information about that.

It comes down to "why?" and "what?". As in, why do you want to change your name? And, what do you wish to achieve by changing your name?

The answers to those questions are necessary before the best number for the new name can be determined with confidence.

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