Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Beneficial Name Change

Is it beneficial if I change the spelling of my first name to [name removed for privacy]? If not, could you suggest a beneficial spelling change in my name?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Changing a name by changing the order of the letters in the name is unlikely to make a noticeable difference in the energies — unless the first letter or the first vowel is exchanged with another name letter. The first letter determines the cornerstone energy and the first vowel determines the open heart energy.
What is and is not considered beneficial is subjective.
Your life path and your personality numbers are both the number 9. So there's a compatible energy resonance there.
Your destiny and heart's desire numbers are both the number 3. Again, a compatible energy resonance.
Those numerology chart positions are core numbers.
If you want your name to resonate with different energies, first determine what it is that you want. It may be something not currently represented with your name energies. Or it may be to enhance or lessen a name energy already present.
When you determine what you want, A Succinct List of Number Meanings can be consulted to determine the numbers most associated with your preferences. Then choose a name with the preferred number or numbers.
Understand that when a name is changed, the energy of the birth name will still be present. The birth name energies are likely to lessen in force as the new name more and more becomes the person's identity. But the birth name energies never entirely leave.
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